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Bleeding While Flossing: A Sign of Gum Disease?

If your gums bleed when you floss, you may have gum disease, which can put your oral health at risk.

Dr. George Saliba at Gems Dental in Houston wants you to have a brilliant smile. He offers the most advanced dental procedures with a gentle touch, so you’ll be comfortable during your appointment. Here’s what Dr. Saliba wants you to know about gum disease and flossing.

Why healthy gums matter

Healthy gums are an important part of your oral health. Without healthy gums and the underlying bones, your teeth will not remain secure in your mouth. Several factors can increase the risk of gum disease, but the most common — and completely controllable one — is poor oral hygiene. When you take the proper care of your gums, your gums can support your teeth while you speak, chew, and smile.

Why you should care about bleeding gums 

Early on, many people ignore a little bleeding when they floss or brush their teeth. However, regular bleeding can be a sign of gingivitis — the precursor to periodontal disease — that starts when the gum tissue at the base of your teeth becomes inflamed. 

When gum disease progresses, you can develop periodontitis. This serious infection occurs when you develop deep pockets between your teeth and gums that collect and breed bacteria. If left untreated, the soft tissue damage can worsen, and your bone tissue can become infected, which can put you at risk for tooth loss

In addition to increasing your chances of tooth loss, your oral health can significantly impact your immune system and overall health. Periodontitis can lead to:

These serious conditions can shorten your life. Fortunately, Dr. Saliba offers multiple treatments, so you can stop this problem and save your oral and overall health. 

How to treat gingivitis and gum disease

Effective treatment for gingivitis and gum disease requires teamwork by you and your dentist. Dr. Saliba treats gingivitis with a combination of treatments called scaling and root planing. 

During scaling, plaque from your tooth surfaces and beneath your gums is removed. 

With root planing, Dr. Saliba addresses gum disease by smoothing the roots of your teeth, so they can reattach to your gums. 

Dr. Saliba may also recommend:

Good oral hygiene can help prevent these dental diseases. That includes brushing, flossing, and scheduling an appointment if you notice regular bleeding after brushing or flossing. Our team will give you the highest level of care if you show signs of gingivitis or gum disease. If you have bleeding gums, call us at 281-607-1851 or email us.

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